Hey there 👋, I’m Daryl
I live in the leafy-green suburbs in the North-East of Melbourne, Australia with my wife Donna and one of our two adult daughters. I grow veggies 🥬, I’m a committed practitioner of Zen meditation 🧘, and I occasionally cycle 🚴♂️.
I’m fascinated by the relationship between people and place and believe the best way to find out a bit more about me, is to understand where I’m from.
I also have a page that describes where I’m at right now—what I’m focused on, and what I’m not.
About this blog
I have many interests, but a common theme here on my blog is my search for wiser ways of living and working together.
Traditional hierarchical, command and control management, which we are so used to in our organisations, is a poor way of organising human work. It’s a waste of energy and creativity. Instead we need to imagine workplaces where people can thrive and show up fully as human beings. We need to discover better ways of working so that we can turn human potential into reality in our workplaces.
As David Whyte so eloquently puts it:
With a little more care, a little more courage, and, above all, a little more soul, our lives can be so easily discovered and celebrated in work, and not, as now, squandered and lost in its shadow.
About my work
I work with groups to design and host conversations, meetings, retreats, and longer-term systems change and transformation. I’m also hired as a leadership and personal coach who helps people to expand their thinking in the places they get stuck and supporting them to navigate the challenges they face. The foundations of this work are deeply embedded in the practices and principles of the Art of Hosting or (Participatory Leadership).
Please get in touch to learn more.